For 25 years, the IJM has partnered with local justice systems around the world to build safe communities, where all are protected from violence and slavery. They partner with local authorities in 31 program offices in 16 countries.
IJM’s mission is to protect people in poverty from violence by rescuing victims, bringing criminals to justice, restoring survivors to safety and strength, and helping local law enforcement build a safe future that lasts.
IJM’s vision is to rescue millions, protect half a billion, and make justice for the poor unstoppable.
IJM works to see its mission and vision fulfilled by working with governments to do the following:
Strengthen Justice Systems
Rescue and Restore Victims
Bring Criminals to Justice
Scale Demand for Protection
Top Issues the IJM Addresses
Women and children are particularly vulnerable to violence when no laws are enforced to protect them. Learn what the IJM is doing to help women and children around the world.
Violence Against Women & Children
When police are free to misuse their power, vulnerable people are the ones who suffer from their violent actions and false accusations. Read about what is being done to help governments correct this issue.
Police Abuse of Power
Whether through sex trafficking, labor trafficking, or exploitation of children, millions of men, women and children are trapped in modern-day slavery around the world. Click here to learn about what the IJM is doing to end slavery.
Stories of Hope
Run for Justice Partnership
Until 2023, the Run for Justice partnered with the IJM office in the Dominican Republic as they focused on child sex trafficking. The IJM office, in partnership with local authorities and governments, has seen a staggering 78% decrease in the overall prevalence of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Because of this, the IJM concluded program work in the DR on March 31, 2023.
With the closing of the Dominican office, our team chose to partner with the IJM office in Guatemala. The focus of the Guatemala office is violence against women and children. For 18 years, the IJM has been working to bring justice to sexual assault victims – both children and women. They work with local agencies to also provide support networks for survivors. During the almost 2 decades of work, the IJM has seen much progress in Guatemala with 10,800+ people relieved from sexual violence, 300+ survivors restored by aftercare services, and 2,700+ criminals convicted for sexual violence and related crimes. There is still work to be done and we at the Run for Justice pledge our support and prayer until all are free!